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Assembly Logo

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  • EPS   (EPS Adobe Illustrator; 214 k)

  • TIFF  (300 dpi; 3 m)

  • GIF    (Web Graphic; 4 k) 

  • JPEG (Web Graphic; 16 k) 

Please read the Usage Guidelines for the Assembly Logo

The Assembly logo invites curiosity and comment. It shows a broken landscape—white cracks in earth or mountains—set against a cross on the left and an olive branch with three large leaves on the right. The Assembly theme, "For the Healing of the World," cradles it. The cross implies movement. One of the leaves is leaning over the earth while the others are reaching toward the sky as a sign of creation and healing.

© The Lutheran World Federation

The logo was designed by two artists from the Canadian prairie city of Regina, Saskatchewan. Erik Norbraten is an art director and graphic artist. Richard Nostbakken is a teacher and works as an independent artist. Both ELCIC members, their artwork for national church events is well known.

You are invited to respond to the following questions via E-mail, fax or by post:
  • What does the logo suggest to you in the context of your country, local community and church?
  • What does it say about the Assembly theme in relation to your context?
  • Which insights and questions does it evoke?

For information on use of the logo, please contact:

The Lutheran World Federation
Office for Communication Services
P.O. Box 2100
CH-1211 Geneva 2

E-mail: info@lutheranworld.org
Fax: +41/22-791 66 30

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