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News and Media
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During the Tenth Assembly the "News and Media" site provided daily news releases,  Assembly audio news and video news reports, a photo library and a series of feature articles on the 2003 LWF Tenth Assembly theme, "For the Healing of the World."

The Newspaper of the
LWF Tenth Assembly

[ Issue #1 ]

[ Issue #2 ]

[ Issue #3 ]

[ Issue #4 ]

[ Issue #5 ]

Previous Assembly-related news releases are available in English and German. You can also download a printable version of the Assembly Update in PDF format in four languages.

Please click to find Lutheran World Information (LWI) hosted on the LWF Web site. LWI serves as the LWF's main news source, and provides news and information to the member churches, other Christian world communions and ecumenical organizations, church and secular media and the general public.

For further information, please contact:

LWF Office for Communication Services
Karin Achtelstetter 
E-mail: ka@lutheranworld.org

Tel: +41/22-791.63 67

English Editor 
Pauline Mumia 
E-mail: pmu@lutheranworld.org

Tel: +41/22-791.63 54

German Editor 
Dirk-Michael Grötzsch 
E-mail: dmg@lutheranworld.org

Tel: +41/22-791.63 53

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