the Assembly
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Year Report - From Hong Kong to Winnipeg
"From Hong Kong to
Winnipeg," the report of the General Secretary on behalf of the
Council, gives an account of the life and work of the Federation,
including the decisions of its governing bodies over the past six
years, as provided for in the LWF Constitution. Highlights of the
work carried out by the diverse LWF departments and offices during
this period are included.
> To
order the Six Year Report
The Six Year Report is provided
to all participants registered for the Assembly.
The full content
can also be found below for downloading:
links require Adobe
Acrobat Reader.)
137 KB ]
Office for Planning [PDF,
190 KB ]
Office for Ecumenical
Affairs (OEA) [PDF, 207 KB ]
Office for International
Affairs and Human Rights (OIAHR) [PDF, 213
KB ]
Office for Communication
Services (OCS) [PDF, 354 KB ]
Office for Personnel (OP) [PDF,
104 KB ]
Office for Finance and
Administration (OFA) [PDF, 201 KB ]
Department for Mission and
Development (DMD) [PDF, 430 KB ]
Department for World
Service (DWS) [PDF, 778 KB ]
Department for Theology
and Studies (DTS) [PDF, 240 KB ]
Institute for Ecumenical
Research, Strasbourg [PDF, 117 KB ]
Concluding Remarks
& Appendices [PDF, 195 KB ]
- Constitution of the
Lutheran World Federation
- Bylaws of the Lutheran
World Federation
- New LWF Member Churches
- Lutheran Members of
Dialogue Commissions 1997–2003
- Council Members 1997–2003
- LWF Publications 1997–2003
- Acronyms
To order a copy of the Six Year Report
(EUR 12, USD 12, CHF 18 plus shipping) please contact:
The Lutheran World Federation
Office for Finance and Administration
P.O. Box 2100
CH-1211 Geneva 2
Tel: +41/22-791 64 54
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