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Daily Emphases and Bible Studies 

African Regional Bible Study presentation with the participation of Bishop Kleopas Dumeni carrying the cross, Hong Kong Assembly, 1997.

During the Assembly, Bible studies focusing on a particular aspect of the Assembly theme, "For the Healing of the World," will be presented by each of the different regions and the youth.  In addition to the biblical texts selected, stories and examples from different parts of the world will be shared.  There also will be time in small groups for contextual reflection and prayer about how God's Word speaks to us and to situations in need of healing.

The Assembly Study Book material for each Bible Study is available for download via links below.  (All links require Adobe Acrobat Reader.)

Day 1: Tuesday 22 July 2003
For the Healing of the World [PDF, 145 KB]
Genesis 2:4-10, 15
Revelation 22:1-5
Luke 7:18b-23
Presentation on the theme by the Keynote Speaker
Day 2: Wednesday 23 July 2003
O God, the Healer, Liberator, Savior of the World [PDF, 108 KB]
Isaiah 42:1-12
Revelation 7:9-17
Presented by LWF Region - Asia & Pacific
Day 3: Thursday 24 July 2003
  Forgive and Heal [PDF, 146 KB]
Genesis 50:15-21
Luke 7:36-50
Presented by LWF Region - Central Western Europe
Day 4: Friday 25 July 2003
Reorder Power [PDF, 109 KB]
Ruth 4:13-17
Luke 20:45-21:6
Presented by Youth Delegates
Day 5: Saturday 26 July 2003
Heal our Divisions [PDF, 100 KB]
Ephesians 2:13-22
Luke 24:13-35
Presented by LWF Region - Central Eastern Europe
Day 6: Sunday 27 July 2003
Heal the Land [PDF, 79 KB]
Psalm 104:27-31
Romans 8:18-25
Presented during Sunday Celebration at "The Forks"
Day 7: Monday 28 July 2003
Liberate from Bondage [PDF, 132 KB]
Exodus 1:15-2:15
Luke 8:26-39
Presented by LWF Region - Latin America & Caribbean
Day 8: Tuesday 29 July 2003
  Rectify Injustices [PDF, 116 KB]
Micah 6:1-8
Luke 1:46-55
Presented by LWF Region - Africa
Day 9: Wednesday 30 July 2003
Empower Us to Act [PDF, 107 KB]
Isaiah 61:1-4
Luke 13:10-17
Presented by LWF Region - Nordic Countries
Day 10: Thursday 31 July 2003
   Fulfill Your Promises, O God [PDF, 110 KB]
Isaiah 65:17-25
Revelation 21:1-6
Presented by LWF Region - North America

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